회사서식 > 무역 Joint Venture Agreement(diesel power plant)
이용등급 유료회원

1. Definitions
2. Formation of JVC
3. Business of JVC
4. Share Capital
5. Transfer of Shares to third Parties
6. Board of Directors and Management of the COMPANY
7. Board Meetings and Shareholder’s Meeting
8. Strategic Plans and Budgets
9. Dividends
10. Financial Year Auditors and Audit
11. Accounts, Records, Reports and Inspection
12. Confidentiality
13. Termination
14. Deadlock
15. Consequences of Termination
16. Damages
17. Force Majeure
18. Applicable law, Interpretation, Amendment & Supplementation of the Agreement
19. Settlement of Disputes
20. Communication
21. Miscellaneous
22. Assignment
23. Headings
24. Modifications
25. Waiver
26. Independent Parties
27. Representation and Authority
28. Counter Parts
29. Additional Documents
30. Entire Agreement
31. Conditions Precedent

Joint Venture Agreement(diesel power plant)

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